The Dark Side of The Aquarius Zodiac Sign

Good Morning My Loves.

As promised, we’ve been taking a closer look at the negative sides of each of the Zodiac Signs. This time it’s the oddballs of the Zodiac: Aquarius.

Maybe it’s because I’m an Aquarius myself and I’m a little biased, but Aquarius is one of the few Zodiac signs that can make their dark side work for them.

One of the main reasons why so many people have a hard time connecting with the often aloof and mysterious Aquarius is that this zodiac sign is a total paradox.

Let’s explore the dark side of the zodiac’s oddballs!:

1- Aquarius can be Robotic and Unemotional- Aquarius much prefers to approach situations with their head than their heart because it makes more sense that way. Of course, not everyone is as logic-driven, seeing as we’re all human (and not robots!) it’s often easier for us to handle problems using emotions and feelings, which isn’t Aquarius’s style at all.
Besides this robotic-like way of handling social situations, Aquarius can seem pretty unemotional. Aquarius tends to keep everyone at a distance. It can take an Aquarius a lot longer to warm up to others and let themselves be vulnerable.

2- Aquarians are Impossible to Sway- Aquarius is one of the zodiac signs that will stick to their guns no matter what, while this makes an Aquarius a great person to have on your side when your both fighting for human rights, it also means you get the ever-stubborn Aquarius who won’t listen to your opinions.
Not only is Aquarius stubborn, they are also sure that they are right. No one believes in Aquarius more than an Aquarius does.

3- Aquarians Perfer to Alienate People- Aquarius has a free-spirited nature which encourages them to share the love and love by the “no strings attached” rule.
While Aquarius does enjoy being part of the group, they are also fiercely independent. Aquarius would rather alienate people than let them in.
Intimacy and closeness are scary for an Aquarius.

4- Aquarians Are Paradoxical in Nature- Being a paradox might be more interesting than anything else but when it comes to Aquarius, being a paradox can turn into being a hypocrite VERY fast!. Even though Aquarius are social butterflies and can make friends very easily they will almost always prefer to be on their own and will isolate themselves for no reason, other than that’s what they prefer.
What makes this paradoxical zodiac sign so frustrating is that they are not contradicting themselves on purpose, sure they might look like a hypocrite on the outside but that’s just the way they are.


As I’ve mentioned before, I’m not trying to offend anyone.
I want to explore both sides of each Zodiac Sign.
Next up… Strong and Steadfast Capricorn.

With All My Love.
Kim ❤

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